Calling all Mommas!!!!
I am in need of some advice! Today my sister, my mom and my sister-in-law, and I all went to Babies R Us and looked at some baby stuff. Oh my gosh so exciting! But me being teacher and my hubby just starting a new job we are not exactly rolling in the dough, so I would like all the mommas out there what baby things did you buy that were a LIFESAVER and what things did you buy that you just flat out didn't use?
I know that I am investing in a good convertible crib and chest of drawers, a good car seat/stroller combo, pack and play and a good high chair and for there I need advice. Swing? Bouncer? Walker? Play Mat? Did you buy the fancy pack and play or the not-so-fancy one?
Thanks in advance for your advice, it is much appreciated!!!