Calling all Mommas!!!!
I am in need of some advice! Today my sister, my mom and my sister-in-law, and I all went to Babies R Us and looked at some baby stuff. Oh my gosh so exciting! But me being teacher and my hubby just starting a new job we are not exactly rolling in the dough, so I would like all the mommas out there what baby things did you buy that were a LIFESAVER and what things did you buy that you just flat out didn't use?
I know that I am investing in a good convertible crib and chest of drawers, a good car seat/stroller combo, pack and play and a good high chair and for there I need advice. Swing? Bouncer? Walker? Play Mat? Did you buy the fancy pack and play or the not-so-fancy one?
Thanks in advance for your advice, it is much appreciated!!!
Okay, here goes:
ReplyDeletePut your changing pad on top of your drawers instead of using a changing table. Saves money and those dinky shelves on the changing table are not very good. (I know from experience)
You will not know what your baby prefers in regards to swings/bouncers. If you know of anyone that would let you borrow, I would SO go there. Belle preferred a bouncer first and swing later.
Walkers are actually not recommended and if you want to get a bouncy play-station, you have at least 4 months post-baby to get one. :)
Pack and Play: we used ours as our bassinet in our room. We didn't really use the changing pad attachment more than a few times, and the mobile just became a pain. Also, those 2 things do not fit in our Graco bag. That annoys me. I did love the higher "bassinet" feature though!
You'll find quickly that you NEED a whole lot LESS stuff than you think!
Also: consignment, consignment, consignment! Check out a Just Between Friends sale in your area! You won't be disappointed! Also, a lot of consignment sales will have special "new mom" hours and will let you get in early!
I will have to say this: a good breast pump is really important if you need to get to right back to work and you plan to continue breastfeeding. Those are expensive. I'll let you know how I obtained one (if you shoot me a private message).
Also, you won't know what you'll get at your shower! That's where I got my bouncer! :)