Thursday, January 30, 2014

Run Like a Mother

In the past several months I have made a new group of friends. These are amazing women who encourage each other, motivate each other and share in our victories and defeats. And I have never met any of the in person.

When Ry and I decided to get pregnant I joined The Bump, an online community of women who were trying to get pregnant or already are. When I got pregnant I joined the March 2012 group. All the ladies in there were pregnant and due in March. We bonded, we discussed all the crazy things pregnant women discuss. Well several months after all our babies were born a couple of our amazing moms decided to start a spin-off group of moms who wanted to be healthy and wanted to be held accountable. It sounds cliche, but it changed my life.

I joined our healthy mom group not expecting much, but boy was I in for a suprise! On days I didn't feel like running I might say that and one women or another would respond with a loving "so what?! Get out there and do it, and then check back in with me and let me know it went!" There were days the only reason I finished a workout was because I didn't want to be the slacker on the board that day. Ry would even say during our runs "Come on! You can't brag about this pace to the moms"!!! Talk about motivation!

I am so thankful for this group of women. They truly are amazing. And I hope one day to all meet up- we have discussed running the princess half at Disney World. ;)

Oh and if you are looking for some great fitness blogs to follow might I suggest these women (who started our group): run salt run and helly on the run


  1. My February group has changed my life. Life long friendships there! Thank God for TB!

  2. Hi, Great information! Would you please consider sharing my link to your readers? Please email me back at haileyxhailey

