Monday, May 2, 2011

Biggest Lie of All

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 (NIV)

Ever notice in Genesis Satan goes after Eve first? Ever notice that one of his first steps in tempting her to eat the apple is to lie to her; tell her God is lying, nothing bad will happen, He is just being selfish. How convincing does this sound!!

Satan tends to lie to each of us in the specific area we are weak. He is after all the enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy.

In my short life I have come to realize satan tends to attack women in a very specific way. He whispers lies to us. No one will ever love you, your too fat, too thin, too dumb, too... fill in the blank here. He whispers these lies sometimes in the stillness of our mind, sometimes using human voices or actions.

But do not be confused when human voices tell you you are too much, or not enough that is satan playing his games. That is the master manipulator trying to pull you away from knowing you are precious, loved, and cherished by the King of Kings! DO NOT LET HIM LIE TO YOU!!!

Counter those lies with scripture knowing that you are exactly who you were designed to be!

On the heals of Bin Laden's death I am reminded that our battle is not against flesh and blood but the powers of darkness. That while one evil, horrible man has been brought down that by no means makes the world a better place. One day it will be, one day Jesus will crush satan and then we can rejoice!!!

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